diatermia ad alte frequenze

High frequencies and their beneficial effects: the studies


High frequencies and their beneficial effects: the studies

Are high frequencies really that effective?

Our devices are built to provide a practical, fast and effective response in the fields of physiotherapy and vulnology or difficult skin wounds.

Why do we say they are innovative? Who collected and processed and validated the results?

The innovation lies precisely in the use of specific radio frequencies: controlled high frequencies. Other types of radio frequencies are commonly used in health care settings: for example, tecar therapy uses lower frequencies-in the mid-frequency range-that have different biological behavior.

Thus, high frequencies are a complete innovation and a new alternative to electromedical devices already on the market, plus they can boast exceptional beneficial effects for the very short time in which they develop:

  • Antalgic Effect
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effect
  • Myorelaxant Effect
  • Anti-edemigenous Effect
  • Prorigenerative Effect

Antalgic and muscle relaxant effect

ProNexibus Plus®: University of Padua and Verona


Two independent studies were conducted by the Universities of Padua and Verona.

Prof. Masiero’s research group, after 10 sessions of only 10 to 15 minutes, found that the ProNexibus Plus® significantly reduced the pain of a large number of musculoskeletal problems (e.g., knee osteoarthritis, neck pain, shoulder and elbow tendinopathies), and also showed that the patients themselves were facilitated in resuming their daily activities, both work and social.

The research group of Prof. Picelli, University of Verona, used ProNexibus Plus® in patients with chronic stroke outcomes who no longer responded to botulinum toxin treatment. The research team found a significant muscle relaxant effect in the short term that remained at follow-up.

Prolonging effect, anti-edema, anti-inflammatory effect

Rinovacell®: University of Salerno, RITRALED study

Rinovacell® was studied by Dr Bruno Luigi Farina’s team at the University of Salerno. The results were surprising: in patients who had chronic diabetic foot ulcers, i.e., skin lesions that had been open for more than 6 months, treatment with Rinovacell® resulted in ulcer closure. Clinically, the researchers found a very important reduction in foot edema and a very important anti-inflammatory and antalgic effect: after 1 or 2 sessions of therapy, the patient’s foot was already deflated and no longer red; after 10 sessions, the ulcer closed in almost all cases.

Security and future prospects

In all studies conducted with FocusMed® devices, no side effects were found, the therapy was well tolerated by patients, and, indeed, according to numerous researchers, a great many patients were impressed with the benefits the therapy gave them.
The University of Verona, amazed by the experimental results obtained, wanted to continue research on our devices in the hope of finding new solutions to increasingly debilitating diseases.
Rinovacell®, on the other hand, will be used in a double-blind research project in collaboration with the Abano Polyclinic to investigate the effects of the device in the context of diabetic foot pathology.


Masiero, S. et al. Short-wave diathermy in the clinical management of musculoskeletal disorders: a pilot observational study. Int. J. Biometeorol. (2019) doi:10.1007/s00484-019-01806-x.

RITRALED study: Rinovacell® in the treatment of trophic lesions of the diabetic foot, University of Salerno, Dr Bruno Luigi Farina, September 19-21, 2013, XII AIUC National Congress.

ProNexibus Plus® for patients with spastic clubfoot, University of Verona, Dr Picelli, November 29-30, 2019, 9th I.S.Mu.L.T Congress

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1. It is forbidden to advertise to the public devices that, according to provisions adopted by decree of the Minister of Health, may be sold only on prescription or may be used with the assistance of a doctor or other healthcare professional.
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