FocusMed electromedical guidelines


FocusMed electromedical guidelines


These general directions on the use of our devices arise from our direct experience over the years, from continuous discussions with professionals engaged directly in the field, and from experimental clinical research.

The indications are general, not restrictive, as each patient has peculiarities that require careful evaluation. These general guidelines have not been tested for devices other than ours (e.g., electro-medical devices of tecar therapy or capacitive resistive diathermy-medium frequencies) precisely because of the different technology behind our high-frequency technology.

Cycle of therapy: duration and quantity of sessions.

Ciclo trattamento
Schema illustrativo di un ciclo di terapia composto da 10 sedute. A termine della 10°, si suggerisce una rivalutazione del caso. I colori corrispondono alla gravità dei sintomi del paziente (rosso: sintomi severi - verde: sintomi in risoluzione).

The protocols of capacitive diathermy experimentally tested consisted of 10 treatment sessions, lasting 10 minutes minimum and 20 minutes maximum. The 10 sessions were carried out over a period of 1 month, and then the patients were monitored over time. The studies confirmed both the effectiveness of the treatment: results were evident both during the treatment and after the treatment was finished. In addition, the safety of the devices has been certified: there have been no adverse reactions either during treatment or in the long term.

Therefore we suggest to carry out:

A course of capacitive diathermy therapy of about 10 sessions in total divided over at least 4 weeks, dividing the sessions as follows:

  • 3 sessions per week in weeks 1 and 2;
  • 2 sessions per week in weeks 3 and 4.

To deliver the treatment for a period not exceeding 20 minutes.

Emission frequency and power.

The most important results of the studies were obtained with the 8 MHz. However, in different experimental protocols, it has often been decided to start treatment with the lowest frequencies (2 or 4 MHz) because over time tissues develop to adapt to the stimuli received.

In more frail patients, the lower frequencies allow a more gradual and physiological adaptation. As the patient’s tolerance increases, the increase in power or frequency delivered during the session is indicated.

We suggest always adapting the frequencies and power emitted by our devices to the anthropometric characteristics of the subject: height, weight, body composition and hydration status.

The best way to tailor the treatment to the patient is to explain and teach the patient how to report the perceived heat sensation by defining: 0 “No sensation,” 10 “Pain sensation.” The range between 4 and 6 indicates “Pleasant heat sensation,” which is the goal of our therapy.

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Legislative Decree of 24 February 1997, No 46 Article 21

1. It is forbidden to advertise to the public devices that, according to provisions adopted by decree of the Minister of Health, may be sold only on prescription or may be used with the assistance of a doctor or other healthcare professional.
2. Advertising to the public of devices other than those referred to in paragraph 1 is subject to authorization by the Ministry of Health. On the requests for authorization expresses opinion the Commission of experts provided for by article 6, paragraph 3, of the legislative decree 30 December 1992, n. 541, which for this purpose is supplemented by a representative of the Department of the Ministry of Health responsible for medical devices and one of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Crafts.